Story by Jessica Goldstein Everyone was happy to celebrate another Shabbat via Zoom. Together, everyone recited the blessing over the candles. Daniel led the blessing for the grape juice and Stacy C. performed the Hamotzi the blessing over the challah. This week’s torah portion, Chayei Sarah, Eliezer was looking for kindness. Learning about his search led us to a discussion about acts of kindness. Stacy C. shared that her housemates are planning a birthday dinner this weekend. Todd’s act of kindness was that he called his brother to check on him. Stacy N. shared how grateful she is for her job and to have a day program she enjoys. This celebration was both fun and meaningful to share how small […]

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Our gathering this week began with Hannah leading the blessing over the candles. Aaron led the group with the Kiddusha, the blessing for the fruit of the vine. Stacy performed the Hamotzi, the blessing over the challah. After the blessings were completed, we saw the true meaning of community when Stacy C. shared the news that her grandmother passed away. Rachel, along with the rest of the group have been supporting her and being wonderful friends during this difficult time. Stacy remembered her grandmother and how proud she was of her grandchildren. The show of support is echoed in this week’s Torah portion Toldot. Abraham and Sarah, the first Jewish family were kind and compassionate and tolerant. Isaac and Rebecca […]

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Everyone was excited to see each other on Zoom and welcome the Shabbat together. Alicia and Stacy recited the blessing over the Shabbat candles. Todd and Daniel shared the blessing over the grape juice and Mark blessed the challah. “Lech Lecha” – the Torah portion of the week – highlighted how God said to Abraham to go forth from his homeland to the land that God shall show him. God promised to make of Abraham a big nation and bless him and his name. We learned about Abraham’s journey and his love for his wife Sara. Stacy shared that she visited the new JSDD office and WAE Center building and she enjoyed the tour of our new home very much. We listened […]

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On Friday October 8th, 2021, the JSDD family gathered over Zoom to celebrate Shabbat. Alicia began the celebration by performing the blessing over the candles, welcoming the sabbath. Mark recited the Kiddusha blessing over the fruit of the vine (grape juice), Daniel chanted the Hamotzi the blessing over the challah. After the blessings, the group studied the weekly Parsaht Noach with Hagit Oren, JSDD’s Judaic Coordinator. In this portion God warns Noah that there will be a flood and he will need to build an arc to protect his family and the animals, who are unable to save themselves. They learned the story of how the dove became a symbol for peace by going to scout for dry land and […]

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The JSDD family came together to observe Shabbat via Zoom.  Every week the participants are delighted to see each other on their computer screens while sharing warm Sabbath wishes among themselves. The weekly lighting of the candles and reciting the prayer was done together by Stacey and Jill as they covered their eyes and made wishes silently.  Aaron made Kiddush – blessing over grape juice and then proceeded to recite the Hamotzi – blessing over the challah. Hagit Oren, JSDD’s Judaic Coordinator taught Parashat Shoftim, which is when Moses reviews for the Israelites their system of justice.  Participants talked about how to express justice for others, and Todd shared that we could give Tzedakah (charity) to help those in need.  […]

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